Terms of Business

The way I work

I am committed to the following principles;

To be non judgmental at all times and to maintain a high level of integrity.

To make use of additional materials wherever they are relevant and to present these materials in a way which is accurate and understandable.

To maintain a broad knowledge of financial subjects and to keep abreast of any developments that impact upon the financial services industry which may be relevant to clients.

To adhere to the Wise Monkey Code of Ethics for Financial Coaches.

To record information accurately and to fully meet all confidentiality and data protection requirements in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and subsequent 2018 Act.

Generic Advice

Whilst I can supply financial guidance and support, I am not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). I will not provide you with specific advice on the purchase of any financial product, nor will I suggest that you vary, alter or discard an existing product. I may only act within the regulatory boundary of generic financial advice.

Based upon the information you provide to me, I will help you understand the options available to you and the steps needed to address your priorities but I ask you to form your own view on the merits of and the risks attached to any financial product decisions you make. I accept no responsibility for any loss as a result of you taking action on the basis of our dialogue. In order to satisfy regulatory requirements, I may therefore suggest that you speak to other advisers who are authorised to provide specific financial advice.


I will always treat your personal information as private and confidential, even when we have finished working together. I will only disclose information where I am legally bound to do so, where there is a duty to the public to disclose, where disclosure is required to protect my own interests, where disclosure is made at your request or with your consent or where I am required to make disclosure for insurance or regulatory reasons.


My current fees are £120 per hour for a financial coaching session. The hourly fee includes my time spent before and after our sessions for preparation and record keeping.

Missed or cancelled appointments will be charged unless you provide at least 24 hours notice. If you provide more than 24 hours notice, I will either carry forward any payment made in advance towards the costs of another session or offer a refund. Invoices should be settled within a maximum period of 14 days from the date of the invoice.